These measurements use a CP of 0.25 although our design may be a bit higher. It uses a assumption of a electric generator which is 85% efficient and that the bearings and gears are 95% efficient. Calc Wind Speed MPH calc speed meter per sec Power out in watts Amps @ 12V.
At speeds above 40MPH the efficiency drops off which is part of the design to help protect the unit from damage in high wind speeds. As a result calculations for wind speeds above 40MPH would be inaccurate. These estimates are based on a university formula not empirical test results. A CP of 0.25 was used with a 85% efficient generator and 95% efficient bearings.
University and private laboratory tests have shown that Lift enabled Savonius turbines are capable of reach CP of up to 0.35. We use a CP of 0.25 to be conservative but have expectations that when laboratory tests are completed our system will exceed a CP of 0.295.
As the blade spins up momentum is stored in the blade which would give it momentarily a torque hundreds of times higher than the stall torque so please do not let the blade hit you when moving at high speeds because there is a lot of stored momentum.
10 MPH - 5.10 turbines per ton hour12 MPH - 2.90 turbines per ton hour14 MPH - 1.83 turbines per ton hour16 MPH - 1.23 turbines per ton hour18 MPH - 0.86 turbines per ton hour20 MPH - 0.63 turbines per ton hour22 MPH - 0.47 turbines per ton hour24 MPH - 0.37 turbines per ton hour26 MPH - 0.19 turbines per ton hour
All illustrations and documentation shown in these pages is subject to change as CorrectEnergySolutions adds new capabilities to the product, releases new versions and tests new materials. All financial estimates are the best we can make with currently available information and resources. There are many variables such as the plastic, aluminum, steel, oil, electricity, weather patterns and economic upturns and downturns that could substantially change the answers.